
A Note from the Publisher

By Maricarmen Chavez-Walker August 28, 2020

Can you believe summer has come and gone already? In the blink of an eye we went from bathing suits to school supplies. Usually the Fall is full of fun events with corn mazes, fall festivals and Halloween events. However, our new reality means that many festivals and events are simply not going to happen this year. The Junior League of Greater Lakeland has canceled the Christmas Parade. We hope that other events will continue to happen with the appropriate measures so we can all have fun and stay safe. 

Our main goal is to provide you with as many family friendly events and activities as we can. As events are announced we will continue to add them to our calendar. Until we can have a calendar full of events we will continue to provide you with crafts, recipes, book suggestions and anything else we can think of to keep your family entertained. Our You can also check out our Pinterest board for great crafts, recipes, book suggestion and ideas for all seasons.  

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